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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
" La dee da du du dee dee da,
Good Morning St Nicholas!
早安to you too.
It's a new day St NICHOLAS!
So COOL for School.
We are happy St NICKS GIRLS!
Who love what we do.
St NICHOLAS our Family,
Of you, you and you!
La dee da dudu deedeeda davruuum!
The thing above is like a new thing added to our 'custom', adding on to the family dance. Is super cute song, although many people hate it. LOL.
Today went to the matta home for disabled, and is way more fun than the one we go the previous time, Red cross home for the disabled. The people from Matta is WAY MORE ENTHU, like 100x more fun than the people from red cross. We did the family dance first, then played london bridge with them. The actually want to play the eagle catch the chicks but like the elderly can't run. Then this old guy flasher, peeed on the floor while squatting down and pulled off his pants!!! Went crazy like half of our class. Because another half was happily laughing away with the dumb game. Ha. Then we went on playing some caterpillar game. Then did family dance again:] and serve them water. Is so fun!
glanced at the mirror at 2/17/2009 08:56:00 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
I have not posted for months! Suddenly feel like blogging. So started typing after not logging on to this account for so long:] Because i just found out i am super clumsy today. I injured 3 person just for today. The fist one was during PE, i whacked the badminton racket backwards, and i did not know aleena was behind me so it hit her on her forehead. Luckily it was not bleeding. Gosh. I would be crying. Haha. fortunately aleena never cry if not she will make me feel so guilty. And the second time was during gym i used the R.gym ball and actually wanted to pass Xinyi the ball but she was stoning so i aim it on her head and it hit her right on her head (not intentionally). Im so sorry! And the third time is i want to keep hte rgym ball so i was going to pass to joey but alexiaa was sitting below her, i kinda throw sideways and it too, hit spot on on her head! OMG! I'm so sorry to the 3 person i hit): Really sorry. Hahaa. will try to be more careful next time.

And this year valentines is quite cool. coz i bought tose trasnsparent glass cup from ikea and put skittles(diffe kind) but same colour into the cup i gAve it to the whole class. some ppl was so shocked. LOL. Because i'm a kind person. AND MY BIRTHDAY IS 8MAY NOT 8MARCH. SO MANY PEOPLE THINK IS MARCH?! HOW DOES IT SOUND ALIKE TO YOU?? AND IF YOU WANT ME TO BUY BIRTHDAY PRESENT(IGNORE THE IF IS A DEMAND(:) BUY LILO AND STITCH STUFF!!! prefer without lilo actually:] HAHA. Still got few months to go!

glanced at the mirror at 2/16/2009 08:57:00 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
This is the worst week ever larh.. i got 5/20 for my letter writting(chinese). Is like the last in class:] But today i made a yam cake in home econs!!! Now in class im a little crazy. quite in to the barney songs we used to sing:) is very nice! Going to find the lyrics later! dont really feel like blogging..
glanced at the mirror at 1/16/2009 05:19:00 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
YAY:] using the new vaio white notebook:] the keypad is super nice!! i very long nvr post le.. because of the busy schedule.. today got CCA open house so have to go for training from 8-1pm.. so long xia. but gymnastic is not really up to you if you want anot. is the coach see you want anot. so even you want, you may not get in. except the exception like me last year. didnt even know how i get in. coz mostly are ppl who DSAed in or from st nics primary gymnastic team.. like those who were in gymnastics before. luckily i learnt in RI for 2-3 years before. so still can get in:]

Being in sports class is not really that good actually. because on friday, when everyone end school at 1.30pm, we will still be having 1 hour of literature so is one hour more than the rest.. to make up for our skills training in the thursday morning. and we dont have music too which all the other class have. but im kind of happy not to have music because i suck at it! yea! thanks to the skills traing on tuesday afternoon!

I'll be having my very first test of the year on monday! chinese compostion test! is sooo hard.. cant be bothered to study for it. is like 11pm now and im very tired. really no more brain juice to think about school.

something interesting happen yesterday. mysteriously, my water bottle in my bag leaked.. so the bottom of my school bag is totally wet. thus, my pinafore there, around the butt area is wet too. so when i went to take bus 812, i saw the church sec four friends whom some are from fellowship sp i know them. when we get on the bus, i dont dare to sit because of my wet pinafore. then the ryan shouted: " hey! anti social! come sit down!" i replied a no so loudly that i think he wass shocked.. then nvr like want to talk to me ever again.. lol. he probably think im rude.. must go explain to him in fellowsship tomorrow! before he go around spreading rumors..

so the first week of school is smt not interesting like that.. i know my life is boring. heheeh(:
glanced at the mirror at 1/10/2009 10:44:00 PM
Sunday, December 28, 2008

very nice right? so artistic(:

glanced at the mirror at 12/28/2008 09:55:00 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
BACK FROM BALI!!! And there are mosquitoes bites everywhere.. BALI is sooo fun!!

DAY 1: Is take evening flight to bali so reach hotel like 11 plus. Bathe and went to sleep. Then when i off the table lamp, suddenly the connection sot cannot on again lerh.. Haven't get ready to sleep leh! Scared to death. my sis dont want to help me on the light! OKay.. so the day ended like that.
DAY 2: WEnt with the friendly tour guide to do some really really boring sightseeing. I hate sight seeing the most. IS like so boring larh. Went to some shops and know their cultur and stuff. I found out that if there is a place sell gold and silver, is the whole street sell gold and silver, The the next street is all sell art. So is like so competitive. WOnder how they survive! Is like some do not even have customer in there. But there is one certain shop where tourist go. Coz tour guide bring us there de. So got alot of people including from other tour group one. But found out one thing, bali people are really artistic. They carve like door, chairs or smt. And is really nice. Then we went to see a volcano(active) and got alot of villagers there down the volcano. Is so dangerous larh. Then we went to this place which is very famous for its coffee. Is like in the forensic smt.. the 10pm show on channel U the animal would eat the cocoa beans then shit it out. Then the coffee would be very nice. But my dad drinks he dont really like it.. :] maybe the cocoa bean itself is not nice. LOL. Then also went to buy the layered cake and go back hotel.
Then for dinner went HARD ROCK CAFE! Is very nice. Both my sister and my dad bought the steak which cost SDG$35 each!!!! ME, such a nice girl:] Bought fish and chips. In the end thye bill was so expensive my dad have to use visa. SO this is how the second day ended!

DAY 3: Went to rafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS SUPER SUPER FUN!!!! We have to walk a long long distance down to the river and waited for 15mins before we can get on. Me and big sis sat in front then there is a professional sitting at the back. There is alot of going down and rocks so is so fun!!!! Then we stop half way to rest. There is this small clif you can jump down into the river is so refreshing. Then we met 3 ang moh and two really funny japanese. Then jump jump jump suddenly i feel like doing smt daring. I jumped of the cliff and did DOUBLE FLIP!!!!!! SUANG! But coz first time so cant estimate height then landed fat into the river. After awhile my nose bleed:] LOL. but for awhile because of the pressure. HEHE. But coz i hesitated for very long before jumping thats why the person didnt record me when i was jumping so sad.. BUT NEVERMIND is so fun. after rafting, we went baCk to kuta and went shopping. I bought a skirt and a pair of shoes:] Then went hotel and sleep.

DAY 4(lastday): Went early in the morning to do water sports!!! AH!!!! Want to do again! First thing we did is water skiing! My 'coach' was the most fun! WE ski ski ski half way he did a 360 degree turn then alkl the sea water would splash on me. So in the end im all wet but my family members are not wet at all.. Then we did flying fish. Is we lie on something then the speen boat would speeeeedd and the thing would fly up! Did that twice then went to do scuba diving:] The oxygen tank is so heavy!!! Scuba scuba scuaba, then because of the water pressure going deeper and deeper my ear was very pain! Feed the fish with bread like aroud 30 mins then came up. The did snorkeling. 25mins like thatcome up. Then took a mini van to another side of the sea did parasailing! IS SO FUN! You will go until really really high. Among my sister, im the one who really landed back on the spot:]
Then went to their city area which is so not city and actually wanted to shop but the things there are nearly the same as kuta but more ex so there for not more then 20mins then took cab back to kuta and shop again:] then i bought 2 tank tops and 1 more tank top is the bintang picture there de. My sister bought exactly the same thing for 120000 rupia while i only bought it with 50000 rupiah . Because she bought fiisrt then my dad dont really know how to bargain. so paid alot. But another person came and held my hand and dragged me to his shop and took another one diffe colour and told me 100000 rupiah only then my dad used the walk away method so in the end bought at 50000rupiah! hahaah. My dad was complaining how much he likes ingapore where everything is fixed price. But when my dad going to walk out, theres another person want to sell the same shirt but is his size of course then when my dad really walk off (coz he did not want at all) they shouted 40000 rupiah! 30000rupiah! What the?!?!?! LOL. Then have ddinner at resort then took night flight back. Is like delayed for 1 hour because of the rain and reached singapore at around 1am.. Dying already. Then took 7 seater cab back home. $50 only. Coz if we take normal taxi have to take 2 taxi coz we got 5 adults and got midnight charges somemore. So reach home sleep straight away..
glanced at the mirror at 12/09/2008 11:15:00 AM
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Still remember this? When i sprained my ankle? Now is above the ankle..
Ew... How suay can i get??????????? Hurt my precious leg AGAIN. is freakingly pain now. So more is the same foot as i sprained the previous time. POOR left leg.. The bandage is so ugly... Still have to wear it to go to school which is a total mistake. it worsen my pain as i was doing gymnastic. CRIES* have to eat medicine too. and 3 types.. one king is the capsule still okay, the other kind is round and flat, okay too, the last type is like a ball shape and super big!! Hate eating it! BLEH..

glanced at the mirror at 11/29/2008 01:52:00 PM